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8 Index-Type High-Pressure Water Washing Machine for Small Components


Deburring and washing machine suitable for use in production lines!

The "8 Index-Type High-Pressure Water Washing Machine" is an open-air high pressure deburring and washing machines suitable for the fuel injection parts of a diesel or gasoline engine, and the small parts of home electric appliances.
A high-speed washing cycle is possible by simultaneously performing the workpiece loading and unloading, deburring, air blow, and counter rotation on the index table.

■ Washing Features
  Deburring and Chip Removal

■ Maximum workpiece dimensions
  30×30×H30 mm

The workpiece dimensions are approximate.
Please contact your nearest sales office for more information.


  1.  8indexwashingmechanismHigh-speed Washing Cycle
    ...It is equipped with an automatic counter rotation mechanism, and can remove the burrs on the front and back surfaces of the workpiece completely with one chuck by using high-pressure water at 50 MPa (max.)
  2. Cell-type Washing Machine
    ... An equipment width of 1 m makes this machine compact and best suited for cell-type lines.

Application Examples

  • Common rail parts
  • Fuel injection parts for gasoline engines
  • Small precision parts of electric instruments, etc.


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