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Environmental Declaration

Basic Environmental Philosophy               

EnvironmentSugino Machine will respect environment conservation in all its corporate activities, from the development and design of machines and equipment, all the way to production, sales and services. Effective energy use will also be encouraged, with every employee engaged in environmental conservation so that limited resources may be used efficiently. The goal is to create an environment where people can live more comfortably, peacefully and richly in harmony with nature.              

Environmental Policy               

We will follow the guidelines below, and strive to become a company that promotes conservation of the environment.

  1. In addition to preventing pollution and reducing the consumption of electricity and other energy, an environmental management system will be created to maintain and continually improve these goals.              
  2. Environmental laws and regulations, as well as other requested guidelines that are adopted, will be observed.
  3. With the points below as a theme, goals and targets will be determined to continually work towards improving the environment.              
    (1) Creating Machines and Equipment Useful for Environmental Improvement              
    (2) Promoting the Conservation of Resources and Energy             
    (3) Recycling and Reducing Waste Products             
    (4) Preventing Accidents and Leaks of Oils, Paints, etc.             
    (5) Preventing Environmental Pollution Around Plants and Promoting Conservation Activities