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Code of Conduct

Sugino Machine Group Code of Conduct

In order to ensure the Group as a whole acts based on high ethical standards and operates under compliance to continue to be a corporate group trusted by society, the Sugino Machine Group has established the "Sugino Machine Group Code of Conduct" that all employees and executives must abide by.


  1. We will respect decorum and treat all stakeholders, technology, products, companies and families with honesty and respect.
  2. We will obey the law, and when we encounter illegal activities will report and reform them regardless of the position or affiliation of those involved.
  3. We will quickly announce when a problem has occurred, and earnestly attempt to determine the cause and work to prevent a recurrence.
  4. We will understand the position and rights of our job, and exercise them appropriately according to all relevant rules.
  5. We will understand the duties and responsibilities of our job, and work together towards a common company goal using all the abilities at our disposal.
  6. We will teach our successors the lessons taught to us by our predecessors, both maintaining tradition and acting under the company philosophy while striving towards further growth.
  7. We will respect differing opinions, and listen to ideas from both within and without the company, striving to improve communication and foster an environment of trust, cooperation and mutual benefit.
  8. We will not make decisions based on impressions, guesswork, assumptions or convention, and will always confirm the truth.
  9. We will not fear or reject failure, and will continue attempting to create new products and value.
  10. We will provide products the market desires in order to contribute to society.
  11. We will use all past experiences, including failure, as stepping stones towards the future.
  12. We will maintain a spirit of independence and autonomy, always seeking to improve through continuing challenges.