OPERATE-SIGNAL KITS for PNEUMATIC : Forward/reverse end kit


This kit is designed to accurately detect the operation of the air-feed drilling unit “Selfeeder Pneumatic” and control synchronized operation with other equipment (index table and automatic clamping device) by sending out an electrical signal.

Model and Type of Detection

Model Number​ Type of Signal​

Type of

Applicable Selfeeder Pneumatic​ Micro Switch / Pneumatic Valve​
OSK-80B-FM Electrical Signal​ Detection of max. drilling depth position​ SFB Micro Switch​
OSK-80B-EM Electrical Signal​ Detection of return position​ Micro Switch​
OSK-80B-EP Air Signal​ Pneumatic Valve
OSK-80B-RM Electrical Signal​ Open signal during return​ Micro Switch​
OSK-80B-RP Air Signal​ Pneumatic Valve
OSK-80B-WM Electrical Signal​ Detection of max. drilling depth position and return position​ Micro Switch​
OSK-100C-FM Electrical Signal​ Detection of max. drilling depth position​ SFC Micro Switch​
OSK-100C-EM Electrical Signal​ Detection of return position​ Micro Switch​
OSK-100C-EP Air Signal​ Pneumatic Valve
OSK-100C-RM Electrical Signal​ Open signal during return​ Micro Switch​
OSK-100C-RP Air Signal​ Pneumatic Valve
OSK-100C-WM Electrical Signal​ Detection of max. drilling depth position and return position​ Micro Switch​