SECURITY POLICY Basic information security policy

Basic information security policy

Sugino Machine Group establishes basic policies and related regulations for information security to continuously maintain and preserve various information assets, including customer-provided information and proprietary technological information. We are committed to ensuring information security.

1.Compliance with laws, regulations, and contracts

We comply with national and regional laws, guidelines, other social norms related to information security, and contractual obligations. Additionally, we respond to changes in internal and external environments and strive for continuous improvement in information security.

2.Management framework

To protect information assets from unauthorized access, destruction, information leakage, tampering, theft, and disasters, we establish an organizational management system for information security. We are committed to implementing necessary measures and continuous improvement.

3.Securing resources and establishing a management foundation

By implementing the basic information security policy and securing management resources to appropriately manage and protect information, we aim to maintain and enhance our competitiveness and business continuity, and strive to establish a solid management foundation.

4.Education and awareness

We will conduct ongoing education and awareness activities on information security for executives and employees, and ensure comprehensive communication of relevant internal regulations to enhance awareness.

5.Strict measures

In the event of violations of the basic information security policy or related internal regulations, strict measures will be taken in accordance with employment regulations and other relevant rules.