Achieving Compliance
Achieving compliance requires the awareness and actions of each individual working at the Sugino Machine Group, and it is essential to conduct business in a lawful and fair manner. At Sugino Machine Group, every executive and employee is expected to act with a high sense of ethics and responsibility in carrying out their duties. By doing so, we aim to meet the trust and expectations of all stakeholders, including our customers, business partners, and the local community. We strive to grow together with society by providing innovative products and services.
Protection of Intellectual Property Rights
The Sugino Machine Group understands the importance of intellectual property rights, and protects the intellectual property rights of other companies while also appropriately managing its own intellectual property.
Response to anti-social forces
The Sugino Machine Group has no relationships with any anti-social organizations or groups that threaten public order or safety.
Appropriate Export Transactions
Through its global initiatives, the Sugino Machine Group adheres to international rules and laws, ensuring that the provision of products and technology in international transactions in various countries is not misused for the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, support of terrorism, or any other purposes that could threaten world peace. We are committed to establishing an export control system that carefully considers these risks.
Internal Auditing System
The Sugino Machine Group aims to achieve more transparent business practices and create a rational business framework in its management activities. To this end, we are committed to establishing a fair audit system through an independent audit department.
Efforts to Dealing with Misconduct in Research Activities
Sugino Machine, in accordance with the “Guidelines for Dealing with Misconduct in Research Activities (decided by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology on August 26, 2014),” is committed to preventing and appropriately addressing misconduct in research activities, including fabrication, falsification, and plagiarism of research data.
For consultations or reports, please contact the following reporting desk:
[Reporting Desk:]
Sugino Machine Limited
2800 Kuriyama, Namerikawa city, Toyama 936-8577
Head Office Management Division
General Affairs Department
*We will not take any disadvantageous actions as a result of the receipt of reports.
*We will not use personal information beyond the scope of its intended purpose without obtaining the customer’s consent.