Human Rights Policy
Respect for human rights
1.We respect the human rights stipulated in the internationally recognized ‘International Bill of Human Rights’ and the International Labour Organization (ILO) ‘Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.’ Additionally, we conduct our business activities in accordance with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (hereinafter referred to as the ‘United Nations Guiding Principles’).
2.We fulfill our responsibility to respect human rights through ongoing dialogue with all internal and external stakeholders. In addition to ensuring that we do not commit human rights violations ourselves, we strive to prevent complicity in human rights abuses by business partners such as suppliers by promoting awareness of our human rights policy and enhancing human rights consciousness. This human rights policy will be communicated to all executives and employees, and it will also be made publicly available.
3.We comply with all laws and regulations in every country and region where we conduct business activities. In the event that legal regulations and human rights standards differ or conflict, we will seek to maximize respect for human rights standards within the boundaries of legal regulations and rules.
4.We are committed to prohibiting forced labor and child labor, banning discrimination and harassment, respecting freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining, ensuring occupational health and safety, providing a suitable working environment, and securing fair labor conditions.
Measures to uphold human rights
1.Implementation of due diligence
In accordance with the United Nations Guiding Principles, we take measures to identify, prevent, and mitigate negative impacts on human rights related to our business activities. We continuously monitor the status of these measures and make improvements as necessary.
2.Help desk
We will establish a system to receive consultations or reports from employees and business partners in the event of human rights violations or actions that contravene this policy.