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  • Benefits of burnishing with SUPEROLL | Increase strength
Final update date: 2024.09.24
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Benefits of burnishing with SUPEROLL | Increase strength

Increase endurance life of workpiece with SUPEROLL.

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Residual stress in the compressive direction (source of strength increase) is generated
when uneven metal surface evenly with rollers and those areas undergo deformation.

Fatigue strength increase example by SUPEROLL

[Workpiece: Bolt head]

Stress distributions

SUPEROLLs can apply residual stress in the compressive direction at the same level as tensile strength near the surface.

Superolls apply stress as well as improve surface roughness

Compression strength comparison and surface finish improvement between SUPEROLL burnishing and shot peening

What kind of benefits by the increase of fatigue strength?

  • Life time of work piece is prolonged
  • Improving fatigue strength can allow for thinner lighter components

SUPEROLLs also improve fretting fatigue strength

Drastically improves fatigue strength in environments where fretting is occurring.

Strength increase cases

Steel alloy

Bearing steel (sintered material)

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