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Trial set

Nanofiber material "cellulose nanofiber" "CMC nanofiber" "chitin nanofiber" "chitosan nanofiber" can be tried easily.

What is "BiNFi-s" trial set

トライアルセット ラインナップ

From the BiNFi-s series, we set up multiple kinds of 2 wt.% Type 1 kg each.
You can perform the optimum type of evaluation and selection at the same time according to the application and the mixture to be mixed.


8 types of BiNFi-s

  • Contents:
    Cellulose nanofiber 5types
    CMC nanofiber
    Chitin nanofiber
    Chitosan nanofiber
  • Conc.:2wt.%
  • Weight:1 kg each (total 8 kg)

5 types of BiNFi-s

  • Contents:
     [Table③④⑥⑦⑧(Used food additives as raw materials)]
     Cellulose nanofiber  2types
     CMC nanofiber
     Chitin nanofiber
     Chitosan nanofiber
  • Conc.:2wt.%
  • Weight:1 kg each (total 5 kg) 

trial set

Each item characteristic indicates that the effectiveness is higher as the number of ☆ marks increases.

*1. It is a difference depending on raw material size.
*2. It is a representative value, not a guaranteed value.
*3. It is a measurement value at 25 ° C and 60 rpm (B type viscometer).
*4. It is a measurement value by freeze-dried powder (BET method).
*5. WMa was integrated into WFo, AMa was integrated into AFo, and TMa was integrated into TFo.

How to purchase

Please contact us by the inquiry form of the website or by telephone.


Sugino Machine Limited
Corporate Planning Division
New Development Department
 TEL: +81-76-477-2572