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  • Homogenization Example | Delamination of Graphite
Final update date: 2024.10.02
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Homogenization Example | Delamination of Graphite

Star Burst MINI delaminates layered Graphite without excess disruption of its plate shape.


Properties of Graphite

Graphite has the following features.

1.Electrical conductivity​

Graphite can be used as an anode material in battery technologies.

2.Layered material​る

Surface area is increased by delamination of the graphite layer, which improves its conductivity.

Delamination of Graphite

Star Burst MINI delaminates layered Graphite without excess disruption of its plate shape.

Operation Conditions

Delamination of Graphite with Star Burst MINI under the following conditions.

  • Raw materials: Graphite slurry with a concentration of 10wt%
  • Processing equipment: HJP-25001
  • Chamber: Ball collision chamber
  • Pressure: 200MPa
  • Number of passes: 10

Comparison Before and After Processing

We compared the squalene before and after treatment.A well-dispersed slurry was collected after processing.

Processing Equipment

The device used this time is Star Burst MINI.

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