SDGs Commitment to the SDGs

What is the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)?

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (the 2030 Agenda) is a set of international development goals from 2016 to 2030, which was adopted by the UN Sustainable Development Summit held in September 2015 building on the success of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
The 2030 Agenda listed “Sustainable Development Goals” consisting of 17 goals and 169 targets in order to eradicate poverty and realize a sustainable world. The SDGs are universal goals applicable, not only to developing countries but also developed countries, and pledge “Leave no one behind.” through the implementation process.Japan makes utmost efforts to implement the 2030 Agenda with international community based on the concept of human security.

Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan

Sugino and SDGs

Since its founding in 1936, Sugino Machine has continued to grow with the support of numerous stakeholders, including customers, local communities, and employees.
Under our corporate philosophy, the “Sugino Philosophy” (Mission, Vision, Values), we are committed to engage in business activities that contribute to achieving a sustainable society, including the SDGs, to ensure that all stakeholders and people worldwide can lead enriched lives.

Dedicated to achieving carbon neutrality and a sustainable society with a wide array of products

Sugino Machine’s products are industrial supplies that may not be visible to ordinary consumers, but play a key role at various sites in a wide range of industries.
Our products are countlessly used in industries including cars, aircrafts, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, engineering and construction, foodstuff, energy, electronic equipment, and so on. Playing a role in so many industries leads to more ways of our contribution to society.

Carbon neutrality, aimed to achieve by reducing greenhouse gas emissions to virtually zero by 2050.
Sugino Machine contributes to achieving a sustainable society for the next generation by offering high-efficiency energy-saving products that reduce CO2 emissions in production processes, environmentally conscious products, and solutions that enhance manufacturing value to a wide range of customers across various industries with whom we do business.

Products that contribute to the realization of a sustainable society
Products Effect Contributing to the SDGs
High Pressure Water Jet Parts Washing Machine

JCC Series & JCC-eSmart

  • 63% reduction in power consumption with the introduction of the energy-saving package ‘JCC-eSmart’.
  • Downsizing of pumps through targeted cleaning methods
  • 30% reduction in cycle time compared to conventional machines due to high-speed traverse
  • Approximately 57% reduction in CO₂ emissions annually (compared to our products)
Servo motor-driven ultra-high-pressure water generation pump unit
Aqua Servo Pump
  • 75% reduction in power consumption during injection stop
  • Downsizing of pumps through targeted cleaning methods
  • 75% reduction in water usage
  • 82% reduction in operating oil usage (compared to our conventional models)
Biomass nanofibers
  • Environmentally friendly materials that contribute to carbon neutrality (one of the raw materials for biomass nanofibers, trees, absorb CO₂ during their growth process).
Pressure testing equipment for hydrogen supply infrastructure
  • Capable of collecting and analyzing various data required for the development and verification of infrastructure facilities such as hydrogen stations, contributing to the realization of a low-carbon society through the proliferation of fuel cell vehicles (FCVs).
(Cavitation Water Jet Peening)
  • Unlike conventional shot peening, which uses media that becomes industrial waste, this method can be performed using only water.
Roller Burnishing Tool
  • Unlike machining methods such as cutting and grinding, this process involves rolling to press and smooth the metal surface for surface modification, thus generating no metal shavings that would become industrial waste.